Education Abroad FAQ
Visit the Program Discovery on the 在线博彩 Office of Education Abroad website to explore available programs. To begin your application, click here to apply and follow the provided steps to complete the application process.
To apply for a passport, you will need to visit
Costs for study abroad programs vary depending on destination, trip duration, and classes taken during the program. Each program brochure will have the cost and payment plan information for that specific program.
For information about scholarships, contact OEA at For technical issues with the scholarship portal, contact For scholarship issues, contact
When planned accordingly, a study abroad trip should not affect graduation date; an exception would be participating in an exchange program the semester before graduation. If students are still concerned about graduating late but would like to study abroad, they may want to consider a summer study abroad program.
Most of the study abroad trips offered do not require you to speak a foreign language. However, there are some programs that are designed specifically for language immersion and will require the knowledge of a foreign language.
There are many options for program durations. You have the option to study abroad for as little as nine days, one semester, or as long as the entire academic year.
The easiest way to book a flight is by using a search engine or a third-party travel site to look up flights on specific dates to your host country. Once you have all the details about your destination, dates, and have obtained your passport, booking your flight is fairly easy. Determine which airline you want to use and proceed to select the flight that best fits your trip.
Stop by the Office of Education Abroad Office in Mandeville Hall 115 or email us at