GEM Program

Girls Empowering Movement (GEM) is seeking outstanding 在线博彩 students to become GEM mentors. 在线博彩 mentors will be instrumental in helping to develop programs by girls, for girls. The ultimate goal of GEM programs is "to improve the health and well-being of middle school girls by empowering them to take the lead".

GEM Overview What is Girls Empowering Movement (GEM)?

Girls Empowering Movement (GEM) is a program designed by and for middle school girls to address the decline in physical activity and cardiovascular fitness levels by providing relevant and fun opportunities for girls to get physically active. GEM programming implements strategies to support healthy coping and resiliency using the following key components:

  • Trained girl leaders and Adult Facilitators

  • Inclusive programming, open to all girls, regardless of skill level or physical ability

  • New physical activity opportunities provided in safe, girls-only environments

  • Evidence-based mental health training courses for Adult Facilitators

  • Peer-to-peer outreach projects to foster leadership skills

diamond gem from logo Last year, more than 2,500 GEM participants across Georgia reached an additional 12,000 peers with creative physical activity outreach projects!

University Mentorship Opportunity GEM Partnership

The GEM program is provided in out-of-school time settings through partner organizations. The university partnership model, currently implemented by the University of West Georgia (在线博彩), provides a unique approach by training university students as mentors to help the GEM girl leaders facilitate the program.

  • This program can be integrated as an opportunity for university students to receive course credit for their participation or can be offered as a sponsored club. Mentors may also be paid, depending on funding availability.
  • After initial training, mentors meet weekly and conduct GEM programming with girls at their assigned local middle school once a week.
  • 在线博彩 is partnering with other colleges and universities to implement GEM using the university partnership model.
  • 在线博彩 and HealthMPowers will offer support to interested institutions by providing free implementation resources and technical support.

The GEM program is currently applying for funding to rigorously assess the impact of GEM. We are looking to identify new university partners to participate in this project once funding has been identified.

diamond gem from logo You can follow our University of West Georgia GEM student mentors instagram page @uwggemsm

Contact Us GEM Partnership

Ashlee Davis

Ashlee Davis